Indulge Your Online Learners with Gamification

Gamification is an interesting concept put forward by Nick Pelling in the year 2002. So what does Gamification mean? It can be defined in simple terms as the use of machines and the feel of a simple game in order to inspire positive changes in people. It helps awaken the same human instincts that generally inspire the feeling of competition in sports and other such fun activities. The general elements included are the desire for recognition, competition, status, achievement, and altruism.

A simple example of Gamification can be that of Volkswagen. A lottery radar speed camera was installed in their machines which penalized drivers who exceeded speed limits and also awarded a lottery ticket to those who respected the speed limits. The prize for the lottery was funded by the penalised drivers. This resulted in positive changes in drivers and they started to respect speed limits. When changed into a simple game, more people felt inclined to control their speeds.

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