60 seconds to catch the attention of the learner. The introduction screen is plays a vital role in any eLearning course. It may not affect the course performance, but it sets a tone for the learners’ enegement.
Introduction slide 01
This Introduction eLearning eTemplate is a bit different from the other templates. Here the screen is divided into a two-thirds part on the right and one-third part on the left with a curved line. The left-hand side consists of the logo placeholder, followed by the title placeholder, and lastly the tab button marked with “click here to begin the course.” The right-hand part of the interface is allotted to images, but unlike other templates, this template allows for seven different pictures of varying sizes, making the right-hand side of the interface attractive.
The vibrancy of colours seen in the seven pictures in contrast to the austere-looking left-hand side consisting of the placeholders makes the template very appealing.
The collage of seven pictures relating to the course will impart a rich feel to the template. The e-learners can straightway commence the course by clicking on the tab button.
As with many templates, this template is designed on Articulate Storyline 2 makes it computer and iPad compatible making it even more accessible to e-learners.
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